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ABooot M e


I like soup :^)


Melon is a PROFESSIONAL professional, all melon ever wanted to do was have a profession and now melon has one! Melon is a good bet for your employment ambitions, YOU should employ melon to do THE JOB. Melon is always available for professional work, melon does not sleep, the undieing winds of the neververse are strong, YONDER walk, you skervy ally snakes of the sky, for all the years that ever were and will not be there cannot be. Oh how I long for the brightness of the after light, whan shadows are short and the ducks trot in neverending fields of cornflakes. Its true we are the gateway to all the world, and the world is a passing memory, a stopgap in time that leads to places that have always been. Alone you stand looking at all this, everything is instant, everything is bright, everything is now and always will be, you are the light of a billion stars, the dust of atomic memories , life is the fallout of the universe, forever forever forever

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